Comments on:'s all about the games ...
last updated: Dec 05 2024 6:59 AM
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Battlefieldsecrets is on the way ...

Okay ... after working on the technical parts of the page, I will now start to create new content :-)
Main focus will be BF3, A.V.A. and the "World of ..." series (World of Tanks, Battleships, Warplanes).

If you are interested in contributing articles, manual or news, please feel free to join our forum or use our contact form.
Supported languages for contact: English and Deutsch 

When you just want to hop in for a match, join our Teamspeak server. The base-channel is open for guests.

 TS 3 Server





World of Tanks

Battlefield Series Games

A.V.A. ijji Button World of Series








Link to the Battlefield Veteran Program:
Register your Battlefield games there to get special unlocks for BF:BC2.
You should have at least two main games (add-ons don't count in) registered.
Example: BFHeroes and BF2



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